
7th Honors Evaluations


Who are you talking about?
•    State the initials and grade level of the authors.

What do you think of the content?
•    How was the quality of the math?
•    Was it easy to understand?

Did it grab your attention?
•    What did you think of the graphics?
•    Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
•    What suggestions would you give to the authors?
•    What was the best part of the site?
•    What part of the site needed improvement?

What about the rubric?
•    Did they follow the rubric?
•    What section did they do the best on?
•    What section did they need to improve on?

What grade would you give you site?
•    A – B – C – D – F (and why)?


Anonymous said...

7th grade honors

Who are you talking about?

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
The Quality of the math was great, it was easily understandable the way they explained it.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, their explanations were great and easily understandable.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The graphics were very bright and flashy.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes, because they asked questions about the pictures and it made you curious as to what the answer was.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I think it was great as it is, but if I had to give a suggestion I would say just to change the background and font color on come of the slides to make it more flashy because some of the slides didn’t have pictures and were kind of bland and boring looking.
• What was the best part of the powerpoint?
The best point of the powerpoint was the explanation and the pictures, they made it easily understandable.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Just the decoration.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yes, they followed the rubric very well.
• What section did they do the best on?
I think they did best on the evaluation section.
• What section did they need to improve on?
The explanation section.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, because they followed the rubric, and they shouldn’t be deducted from it being a little bit bland because the decoration don’t really matter as long as the explanations are there and someone can understand what theyre saying.

Who are you talking about?
• Sr

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
It was decent.
• Was it easy to understand?
It was kind of easy to understand, it took a little bit of computing to understand your task but It wasn’t too difficult.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
Yes, it was very colorful
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes, kind of.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
When your asking the student to find the slope and giving the graph on the next page, it’s a little complicated, I would just suggest that you just put the graph on the same page, its a lot easier that way.
• What was the best part of the site?
The slide on why its important.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
The assessment.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Kind of.
• What section did they do the best on?
He did really well on the definitions of the subject and explanations.
• What section did they need to improve on?
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B, he did well, but the graphics weren’t great, and the assessment was poorly done.

Anonymous said...

7th grade: Nick H. and Paul M. had a very good power point except for one thing. They had good practice problems, good explanation, and good organization but there design was lackluster. It doesn’t make you want to look at it so sometimes you have trouble reading it.

Anonymous said...


Bresiln s and sage g are the two authors of this project. The quality of the content was fairly high. However they made the explanation very complicated and borning. The graphics were very poor. However, there was a couple good pictures. This slide show did not make me want to learn math. I would suggest that the authors try to explain the data more clear and fun. Also, most of the presentation was a very long test. I would grade this presentation a b or c. I would do so because the presentation was very boring and unclear.

Anonymous said...


7th grade honors: NH and PM had descriptions that were confusing at first but were fine afterward. The animations never changed but that isn’t a big deal. I didn’t have a good idea on what was happening with the test so make the directions better next time. The best part was the practice problems and that animation. I would say a mid A.

Anonymous said...

A.B. and L.R. did a good job. It is very well organized but hard to read font. It is good quality but I don’t understand it yet. It grabbed my attention with the font. If the site could have easier to read font that would be great. Otherwise they did a perfect job with the rubric and everything. A-.


Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• HH and SA

What do you think of the content?
• good
• no

Did it grab your attention?
• poor
• not really

What suggestions do you have?
• better graphics
• didn’t have one
• spelling

What about the rubric?
• not really
• ptactice
• What section did they need to improve on?

What grade would you give you site?
• B because it was not the best spelling but it wasn’t terrible

Anonymous said...

Questions: 7th grade

Who are you talking about?
• HH and SA

What do you think of the content?
• good
• no

Did it grab your attention?
• poor
• not really

What suggestions do you have?
• better graphics
• didn’t have one
• spelling

What about the rubric?
• not really
• ptactice
• What section did they need to improve on?

What grade would you give you site?
• B because it was not the best spelling but it wasn’t terrible

Anonymous said...


NH and PM:

1.) The quality of the math was not very good. The entire PowerPoint was just one big quiz that was hardly organized at all. Most of the slides had one sentence. With the exception of one slide that had paragraph upon paragraph of information that was almost impossible to read.

2.) Hardly any graphics were present except for the billiard balls that were present lots of the time. Those graphics seemed to only be there if the information only took up a small amount of the slide. They seemed just to be cover ups for a failed project.

3.) I suggest to the authors: GIVE MORE INFORMATION. This PowerPoint hardly provided any useful information at all. I really couldn’t pick a favorite part of the PowerPoint because none of these sections were that good!

4.) The authors did follow most of the rubric except for some of the main parts. Both of the quizzes seemed to be missing. Also, the standard and the step by step process were missing. The absence of these things made it very difficult to learn about the topic they created a PowerPoint on.

Overall, I give this PowerPoint a D.

Anonymous said...

7th; A.B and L.R.
1.The math was good. They sounded very professional, and educated.

2.The graphics were ok. Wix.com is very cool, but I think that they could have made it better. It was kind of hard to read, because it dragged on so long.

3.I would make it shorter next time. The best part was the math, and you could of mad the colors in it more exciting.

4.They followed the rubric well. They did the best job in lesson, and needed to work in the set up.

5.B. Although it had good strategy, it could have been better.

Anonymous said...

7th; A.B and L.R.
1. The math was good. They sounded very professional, and educated.

2. The graphics were ok. Wix.com is very cool, but I think that they could have made it better. It was kind of hard to read, because it dragged on so long.

3. I would make it shorter next time. The best part was the math, and you could of mad the colors in it more exciting.

4. They followed the rubric well. They did the best job in lesson, and needed to work in the set up.

5. B. Although it had good strategy, it could have been better.

Anonymous said...

7th grade honors

B.S. and S.D

The quality of their math was very good. They did a good job in explaining their information which they had a lot of. They had a lot of pictures and they were colorful. It grabbed my attention right away and I wanted to see more. It looked like they really knew their topic and they put many days effort into it. I would give them a high “A“.

A.B. and L.R.

The quality of their work was very good. They described their topic well. Their graphics caught my eyes and made me want to see more of the website. They did an idea that nobody else did. They had a lot of information on their website. I would give them a high “A”.

Evaluated by J.B. and C.G.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Nick H. and Paul M.
7th grade
What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
I didn’t understand what they were talking about the power of something.(had no idea)
• Was it easy to understand?
did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
I liked the pictures but didn’t get why they were there.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
no because I was confused.
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Give me the vocabulary first then tell me what you’re going to teach me.
• What was the best part of the site?
I didn’t like any par of the site.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
• what section did they need to improve on?
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
D because they didn’t try but they did it.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
The Quality of the math was great, it was easily understandable the way they explained it.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, their explanations were great and easily understandable.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The graphics were very bright and flashy.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes, because they asked questions about the pictures and it made you curious as to what the answer was.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I think it was great as it is, but if I had to give a suggestion I would say just to change the background and font color on come of the slides to make it more flashy because some of the slides didn’t have pictures and were kind of bland and boring looking.
• What was the best part of the powerpoint?
The best point of the powerpoint was the explanation and the pictures, they made it easily understandable.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Just the decoration.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yes, they followed the rubric very well.
• What section did they do the best on?
I think they did best on the evaluation section.
• What section did they need to improve on?
The explanation section.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, because they followed the rubric, and they shouldn’t be deducted from it being a little bit bland because the decoration don’t really matter as long as the explanations are there and someone can understand what theyre saying.
7th Grade

Who are you talking about?
• Sr

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
It was decent.
• Was it easy to understand?
It was kind of easy to understand, it took a little bit of computing to understand your task but It wasn’t too difficult.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
Yes, it was very colorful
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes, kind of.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
When your asking the student to find the slope and giving the graph on the next page, it’s a little complicated, I would just suggest that you just put the graph on the same page, its a lot easier that way.
• What was the best part of the site?
The slide on why its important.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
The assessment.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Kind of.
• What section did they do the best on?
He did really well on the definitions of the subject and explanations.
• What section did they need to improve on?
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B, he did well, but the graphics weren’t great, and the assessment was poorly done.


Anonymous said...

Ashley L. and Sina R.
7th grade Honors Evaluation


Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
- HH and SA. 7th grade honors

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
- The quality of the math was really confusing. We kind of got lost when we were reading the presentation. There weren’t a lot of pictures to help us understand what they were saying.
• Was it easy to understand?
- No, it was very confusing.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
- There weren’t that much graphics to look at. We think if they had more graphics then we would understand the power point better.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
- Not really because it was hard to understand. It wasn’t organized. Everything was scattered around and didn’t really make sense. We think if they had clearer information we would want to try out the math they did.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
- We would tell them to add more graphs. Spread some of there information out so its not all cramped on one slide. Put more color in your presentation and make it grab the reader’s attention. Try not to make your explanations sound confusing.
• What was the best part of the site?
- The best part of the site was the vocabulary. They had good words in that section. They had good definitions for the words they put. They also had a good real life example.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
- The part that needed improvement was the graphics and the practice problems. The practice problems looked confusing. If they had more graphics we think it would be easier to understand. They could also add a little more color in there power point.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
- Yes, they did follow the rubric. They had everything that was required.
• What section did they do the best on?
- They did best on the vocabulary part. They had good words and good definitions.
• What section did they need to improve on?
- The part that needed improvement was the graphics and the practice problems. The practice problems looked confusing. If they had more graphics we think it would be easier to understand. They could also add a little more color in there power point.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
- We would give them a B. We would give them a B because it didn’t really grab our attention. It also didn’t make us want to try math because they made it sound to confusing. Other than that we think they had everything that required.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Alper M. and Christian C.
What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
I didn’t get how they got the median and the upper and lower quartile.
• Was it easy to understand?
In a way yes.
Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
He didn’t have graphics.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
no it got me bored and just read through it.
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I would tell him to try to show me step by step how they got the answer.
• What was the best part of the site?
The ending.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Only part of it.
• What section did they do the best on?
On the titling part.
• What section did they need to improve on?
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
C because they only did half of the rubric.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• BS SD.

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math was very good and was also very explanatory. It showed a lot of good examples on their topic (Pythagorean Theorem) and it made sense when they were trying to explain an example problem and how they were trying to make you understand their topic. The vocabulary was also used a lot in their PowerPoint which made more sense when they put it together with everything else.

Did it grab your attention?
• I think it did make me want to do more math because they really explained the Pythagorean Theorem to me and it made clear sense to me.

What suggestions do you have?
• I think for the mini example in some of the pages they should have made the font more readable because it’s really small and I could barely read it. But overall it was really good. The best part of their site was the Types of Proofs because it really explained what the whole site was going to be about.

What about the rubric?
• They followed the rubric
• The Vocabulary was understandable.
• I think they needed to improve was the When Will I Use It

What grade would you give you site?
• A, because it showed a lot of good example questions and it really explained The Pythagorean Theorem with its good explanatory examples and vocabulary.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?

What do you think of the content?
• It doesn’t really make sense to me. The content looks good but it doesn’t make sense to me.
• Was it easy to understand?
Not really.
Did it grab your attention?
• The graphics sort of grabbed my attention.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
• I think they should have taken their time on their PowerPoint because it was sort of complicated and not really that understandable.
• The Bibliography because they had a good explanation to why they chose those certain websites.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
How Exponentials Work slide because they explained their topic but their information was all jumbled up and didn’t make clear sense to me.
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
The Bibliography
• What section did they need to improve on?
The How Exponentials Work slide
What grade would you give you site?
• B, because they rushed to things and it didn’t make that much sense. But they had good practice problems and equations.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.

SR (7th Grade Honors)

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
• Was it easy to understand?

The math looked right and it was easy to understand the concept and how you found your answers.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

We think they were helpful and supported the topic of the slide they were in.
Yes, because it seems like an easy concept to practice.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
• What was the best part of the site?
• What part of the site needed improvement?

We suggest that you should rearrange the slides so that it matches the order of the outline, and it would be nice if you added some more pictures.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
• What section did they need to improve on?

Yes, you followed the rubric but not everything was followed exactly as the rubric said.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B, because your slides weren’t really in the right order, and there wasn’t a step by step explanation. Other than that you have everything else that was mentioned on the rubric.
aw sa bkb

LW said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
HH and SA
What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
• Was it easy to understand?
I suppose
Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The were relevant
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
More color
• What was the best part of the site?
The title page
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Lots and lots, the color mostly.
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they need to improve on?
The background
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B-, it was really boring

Anonymous said...

7th Grade: This power point was by a 7th grader named Steven R. I think the content was good they almost had all the requirements except for the bibliography. They were detailed with their explanation and they had a good lesson. It didn’t really grab my attention because the background was the same and they just got down to the topic they didn’t really put anything interesting on it. I suggest next time they make it more fun so the people are not bored and actually want to do the math. They did follow the rubric except that they did not make a bibliography. I give this project a B because they did not make a bibliography.

Anonymous said...



Who are you talking about?
• AB and LA, 7th grade

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math was very high, and it was explained very well.
• The descriptions may have been long, but that made it easier to understand the concept that was being taught.

Did it grab your attention?
• The graphics all complemented how the website worked and it seemed to work like it was themed.
• I wanted to try the math because the website was very well put together and the different technical advances, like links to different pages, kept me interested.

What suggestions do you have?
• I would suggest making the letters different colors because some were hard to read.
• The best part of the project was that the website looked complete, and the website also looked like it took a lot of time.
• I think the resources could be better explained on the bibliography.

What about the rubric?
• The website was very original and still followed the rubric.
• The lesson part of the rubric was best demonstrated.
• The citing part of the rubric could be better demonstrated.

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give the site an A because all the requirements were filled completely. It looked like the author of the website spent their time wisely.

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• AB and LR in 7th

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math is well written and very understandable.
• The information is very understandable because they put a lot of examples.

Did it grab your attention?
• The graphics are very simple and there are a lot of interactive things in it.
• It really didn’t make me do the math because the graphics were very simple and it didn’t grab my attention.

What suggestions do you have?
• My suggestions to the author are to make some of the sentences different colors because I couldn’t read it very well.
• The best part of the site was the types of numbers because this part was very easy to understand and it had more interactive things in it.
• The part of the website that needed work on is the real-life irrationals because it was hard for me to read the paragraphs.

What about the rubric?
• They followed the rubric; I don’t think they missed anything on it.
• The section they did the best on was stating the Arizona Standard, because they put at least 3 different kinds of state standards.
• The section they needed improvement on is the lesson, they didn’t have very much examples you could see and I thought that would make it more difficult to understand the topic.

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give them an A because they followed the rubric very nicely; they rarely missed anything on it.

Anonymous said...

A.B. and L.R.
7th grade honors
1) I think the math content was great on most parts. The explanation for rational numbers was excellent. I now understand what a rational number is and how to convert a rational number into a decimal, fraction and percent. Although they did a great job at explaining rational numbers, it was hard to follow their explanation on irrational numbers in general. It was easier to follow the explanations on the types of irrational numbers.
2) The website definitely caught my attention. The background was filled with color, and made me want to learn more about the topic. Although the background was colorful and exciting, the pictures didn’t jump out at you.
3) The suggestions I have for the authors are that they should’ve explained more in depth about irrational numbers in general. The best part of the site was the “How to” for rational numbers because they went into full detail and made it easy to follow.
4) The authors did follow the rubric very well. They did the best with their graphics because it caught the reader’s attention. They could’ve done better at explaining what an irrational number in general is because it made no sense in my opinion.
5) I would give this project and A. I would give it an A because they followed the rubric correctly.

Anonymous said...

AB and LR
7th grade

• I felt that everything written on the website was very thought through. Everything was very detailed and followed the six traits. The math involved seemed a bit advanced so it wasn’t so easy for me to comprehend and follow along with.
• The graphics and titles definitely grabbed my attention. Although the title on the homepage was a little challenging to make out everything else was easy to read. The math seemed slightly difficult to do but the importance and graphics made me want to at least try it out.
• I would tell the authors to keep doing the same thing but to use less complicated fonts. All of the graphics and pages were amazing and really made you want to try out the concept. The best part of the website was the types of numbers page. It was really cool and interesting. Everything on the page was helpful but also caught your attention. The worst part of the website was the fonts they made it a little challenging to read through all the detailed work.
• They followed the rubric exceptionally well and in my opinion got the best score on the AZ state standard and 6 traits. They provided 5 different standards and all the writing was well thought through and detailed so I can tell that they took a lot of time to make this website as helpful as possible.
• I would give this website an A. This is because they spent a lot of time on it and provided helpful information and resources. This website seems like a big help to people learning that topic and next year im sure I will be one of those people.

Anonymous said...

AB and LR
7th grade

• I felt that everything written on the website was very thought through. Everything was very detailed and followed the six traits. The math involved seemed a bit advanced so it wasn’t so easy for me to comprehend and follow along with.
• The graphics and titles definitely grabbed my attention. Although the title on the homepage was a little challenging to make out everything else was easy to read. The math seemed slightly difficult to do but the importance and graphics made me want to at least try it out.
• I would tell the authors to keep doing the same thing but to use less complicated fonts. All of the graphics and pages were amazing and really made you want to try out the concept. The best part of the website was the types of numbers page. It was really cool and interesting. Everything on the page was helpful but also caught your attention. The worst part of the website was the fonts they made it a little challenging to read through all the detailed work.
• They followed the rubric exceptionally well and in my opinion got the best score on the AZ state standard and 6 traits. They provided 5 different standards and all the writing was well thought through and detailed so I can tell that they took a lot of time to make this website as helpful as possible.
• I would give this website an A. This is because they spent a lot of time on it and provided helpful information and resources. This website seems like a big help to people learning that topic and next year im sure I will be one of those people.

Anonymous said...


AB and LR
7th grade

• I felt that everything written on the website was very thought through. Everything was very detailed and followed the six traits. The math involved seemed a bit advanced so it wasn’t so easy for me to comprehend and follow along with.
• The graphics and titles definitely grabbed my attention. Although the title on the homepage was a little challenging to make out everything else was easy to read. The math seemed slightly difficult to do but the importance and graphics made me want to at least try it out.
• I would tell the authors to keep doing the same thing but to use less complicated fonts. All of the graphics and pages were amazing and really made you want to try out the concept. The best part of the website was the types of numbers page. It was really cool and interesting. Everything on the page was helpful but also caught your attention. The worst part of the website was the fonts they made it a little challenging to read through all the detailed work.
• They followed the rubric exceptionally well and in my opinion got the best score on the AZ state standard and 6 traits. They provided 5 different standards and all the writing was well thought through and detailed so I can tell that they took a lot of time to make this website as helpful as possible.
• I would give this website an A. This is because they spent a lot of time on it and provided helpful information and resources. This website seems like a big help to people learning that topic and next year im sure I will be one of those people.

Anonymous said...


Nick and Paul did an okay power point information-wise, but it was not very easy on the eyes. They don't really explain the topic enough. It seems like they're just trying to get through it. Still, the examples and answers are valid, and the information they do include is good.

Breslin and Sage did an OUTSTANDING job on their project. The math is easy to understand, yet complex and professional-sounding. The practice problems help you to better understand the topic. They explain it very thuroughly, and followed the rubric well. Two thumbs up!

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors. HH and SA. Period 7.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math? The quality of the math was O.K.
• Was it easy to understand? It was a little difficult.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics? There were not that many graphics. It was kinda bland.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? Not really.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors? Make it pop out more.
• What was the best part of the site? The math.
• What part of the site needed improvement? The layout, how it looks.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric? I think they followed some of it.
• What section did they do the best on? The content.
• What section did they need to improve on? The graphics.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
C. Because it was a little hard to understand, did not have many graphics, and was bland.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
HH and SA
7th Grade/Period 7

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
The math was very good, and explained things well with no errors.
• Was it easy to understand?
It was easy to understand because of the examples that were used and the easy explanations.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The graphics were used well and helped explained the concept.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
It did make me want to do math because it makes the concept sound easier than people may think.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
The authors could have added backgrounds to make it more appealing.
• What was the best part of the site?
The best part of the site was all the information they provided for the student.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
The site did not need much improvement, but it could have had backgrounds.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
They did follow the rubric and included everything that was needed.
• What section did they do the best on?
They did the best on explaining the concept by using many different examples to make it easier to understand.
• What section did they need to improve on?
They didn’t need improvement on any section.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
I would give this site an A because it fulfilled all of the requirements.


Anonymous said...


1. SR Seventh Grade

2. The quality of the math was pretty good. It didn’t go into much depth, but it had the needed information.
It was extremely easy to understand because everything was explained in a simple manner.

3. There were not many graphics and the background was the same on every slide. The graphs were really good, but they could have been labeled.
This PowerPoint did want be to try the math because it was simple to understand and the author made it seem easy to find the rate of change.

4. I would suggest more “cool” graphics such as changing up the colors of each slide.
The best part of the PowerPoint was the graphs and how each rate of change was a different color.
I part of the project that might need a little improvement would be maybe adding a few more vocabulary words.

5. He followed the rubric pretty well on his project and did everything it required.
He did the best on giving the reader extra resources and on his bibliography.
He needed a little work on the creativity part.

6. I would give this project a B+ because it completely followed the rubric, but it could have had more originality in it.

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors. AB and LR period 7.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math? The math was beautiful!!!
• Was it easy to understand? It was easy.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics? The graphics are the best part.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? It really did.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors? I have nothing to say, I thought it was perfect!
• What was the best part of the site? The graphics.
• What part of the site needed improvement? The good-bye page.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric? I think that they did every single thing on the rubric.
• What section did they do the best on? The graphics.
• What section did they need to improve on? Nothing.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A. Because it followed everything, and had very good graphics.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• AB and LR – 7th Grade

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
I thought it was Awesome:)

• Was it easy to understand?
Kind of… It was a little too long.

Did it grab your attention? YES!
• What did you think of the graphics?
The graphics, background, etc… were totally cool :D
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Not really… It was a little too long so it made me think it was really hard.
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Make it a little more short:) Simpler words.
• What was the best part of the site?
The Front!! Nice Music:)
• What part of the site needed improvement?
There were some typos here and there…
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
The front! It looks awesome!
• What section did they need to improve on?
They misspelled some words and made it a little too long…
What grade would you give them?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
I would give this site an A! They really went into details and explained the subject thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

7th Grade

1. Breslin S. and Sage D.
2. The math was very good and it was kind of easy to understand but it is hard t explain this topic so it was very good.
3. The graphics were very colorful and grabbed my attention with the colors. It made me want to try and do math.
4. I have no suggestions for you because it was so good and I don’t really have a favorite slide it was all good.
5. I would give this project an “A” because it was very well written and explained things pretty well and had everything it needed.

Anonymous said...

7th Grade Honors
Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Amaris B. & LiAnn R. Period 7

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
Very well instructed.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, but there was a lot of information which can sometimes be overwheliming.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
There wasn’t math graphics.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
None. I think it is a perfect project.
• What was the best part of the site?
The explanations of square roots.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
They didn’t list vocabulary. (I don’t think haha)

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
Square roots.
• What section did they need to improve on?

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, they followed all instructions.

Anonymous said...

7th grade honors

Who are you talking about?
• BT and OS 7th grade

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math was not that great. On the problems they made there was no direction on what I was supposed to do on the first one, the math on the second one didn’t make sense, and the last one asked to do irrelevant math. If all I had to was find the equation, then why am I making a table and a graph?
• I could understand what they were trying to say but it could have been worded different / said clearer.

Did it grab your attention?
• I thought the graphics were good but why the green and leaves? What does that have to do with your topic? Also it was repetitive. It was always the same thing.
• It was not like all I wanted to do was linear equations after but it was not bad. I felt that if I didn’t already know it I might want to take a look into it.

What suggestions do you have?
• I would say: 1. Edit because some things were misspelled or incorrect grammar. 2. Make it look more appealing (variety). 3. Add more pictures because some of it was kind of plain.
• The best part was the home page. When I saw it and read the title it made me want to read more and see what it was all about.
• The question part needed improvement. Some of the questions were unclear, had irrelevant content, or were incorrect.

What about the rubric?
• They mostly followed the rubric, I didn’t see anything missing.
• The home page was good.
• They need to improve on the question section.

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give this site an A (low A, but an A). It included most of what it needed but needs improvement.