
What Do You Think? 8th Grade Evaluations

What DO YOU THINK?!?! Help Others, Help Yourself!
Rules of the game: Provided your peers with feedback.

-You must review TWO websites in every Grade Level =SIX websites Per Person!

-You must answer the following questions FOR EVERY WEBSITE & STATE YOUR EVIDENCE!

-What does state your evidence mean?!?!  State your evidence means you must give a detailed explanation for why you think what you think.  You may NOT only say, “They did a good job!” or “It was horrible!”  You must back up your thoughts with evidence about WHY they did a good job.


Who are you talking about?
•    State the initials and grade level of the authors.

What do you think of the content?
•    How was the quality of the math?
•    Was it easy to understand?

Did it grab your attention?
•    What did you think of the graphics?
•    Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
•    What suggestions would you give to the authors?
•    What was the best part of the site?
•    What part of the site needed improvement?

What about the rubric?
•    Did they follow the rubric?
•    What section did they do the best on?
•    What section did they need to improve on?

What grade would you give you site?
•    A – B – C – D – F (and why)?


Anonymous said...

Ashley L. and Sina R.
8th Grade Evaluations

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
- AS and SA. 8th grade.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
• Was it easy to understand?
- The work of the math in the power point was really good. They showed step by step problems very well. They explained what different signs meant. That was helpful in solving the problems.
- Yes, it was very easy to understand. The problems were well organized. We didn’t get lost when looking at the power point. Everything was organized.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
-The graphics made it easier to understand what they were saying. If they didn’t graphics in some places they did then we think it wouldn’t really make sense.
- Yes, it did make us want to try math. They did very well on explaining the problems so it looked easy to do.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
• What was the best part of the site?
• What part of the site needed improvement?
- Maybe put a little more graphics to understand what they’re saying in some places.
- The best part was that they worked out the problems good so it was understandable. They also gave good real life examples. The colors really stand out in their power point.
- We think the vocabulary part needed improvement because they only had two words. There’s probably more than just two words to know what the circumference and area is of a circle.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
• What section did they need to improve on?
- They followed the rubric really well. They had everything that was required on the rubric.
- They did the best on giving real life examples and working out the problems step by step. They also explained why it is important in knowing the circumference and area of circles.
- They need to improve on the vocabulary part because there are more vocabulary words that people need to know.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
- We would give this site an A because they had bright colors so everything stood out. They did a good job on explaining the problems step by step. They had the right requirements that followed the rubric.

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
6th grade honors
Tyler D. and Blaine V.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
I kind of understood it but he or she should have put some examples. He or she should have been more specific about what he or she was talking about.
• was it easy to understand?
No it was not easy to understand.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
It did get my attention because it was colorful and because it has repetition.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
I did make me wana do math but I wouldn’t know where to start.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I would tell him or her to be more specific about what he or she is teaching about because he/she was saying “…you can see the differences in two or more things.” I didn’t understand what he/she was talking about.
• What was the best part of the site?
My favorite part of the site is when he/she teaches me how to read the points.

What part of the site needed improvement?
I think that “graphing the points” needs improvement.
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yes they followed the rubric.
• What section did they do the best on?
I think they did the best on asking me questions.
• What section did they need to improve on?
I think they need improvement on step by step instructions.
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
I would give this person a C because this person wasn’t clear on instructions.

Anonymous said...

Tara H.
Aris S.

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Alper M. and Cristian C.
What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
Good, it made sense and had easy content and problems.
• Was it easy to understand?
It was a tiny bit difficult to read the content,
And the words against the background.
Did it grab your attention?
Yes, their power point was interesting and fun sort of like a game. But you are learning, about something.
• What did you think of the graphics?
I liked the graphics very much; they were fun and caught my attention.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes it did, if I was new to learning about box and whiskers then I would at least try this power point out.
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I would change the color of the words so that others don’t have any trouble reading it.
• What was the best part of the site?
I like the part where it has all the buttons to go to the other parts of the website.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
I would make the names on the title page, because it is a little hard or difficult to see their names, at least for me it is.
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yes I think that they made all the requirements.
• What section did they do the best on?
I think that the first page or the directory page, because it is clear and easy to find what you are looking for.
• What section did they need to improve on?
I would make the names on the title page, because it is a little hard or difficult to see their names, at least for me it is.
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
I would grade it an A+, I would give them an A because it looks like they put a lot of time and effort into it.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Makena F. Emma R. 6th grade
what do you think of the content?
I think it’s teaching me how to enlarge shapes??
• How was the quality of the math?
I liked it hoe they did the math because I understood it an understood what she was talking about.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes it was.
Did it grab your attention?
It did get my attention.
• What did you think of the graphics?
It was really colorful and it related to the math and the problems she was talking about.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yeah, when I say it and read it I was doing math in my head.
What suggestions do you have?
I suggest doing examples wit step by step instructions,
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Do step by step examples.
• What was the best part of the site?
I liked when I had to do work in the little notebook.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yeah they followed the rubric.
• What section did they do the best on?
They did well in teaching me how to make the shape bigger.
• What section did they need to improve on?
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
-A because they did well just needed step by step examples.

Anonymous said...

Tara H.
Aris S.

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Aris S. and Sarah A. 8th grade
What do you think of the content?
We like it, I think that the content is easy to understand, they give real life examples that make it easier to understand and comprehend.
• How was the quality of the math?
We think that the math is complex, but we think that it will help the students learn and master the standards, when the math has a bit of a kick.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, the whole power point is easy to see, and the problems and the explanations are easy to red and understand.
Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
Well, they did have some graphics, and they did help with some of the problems to see an illustration with it.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes, the power point looks fun and explains things, to try to make it easy to understand.
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
I would suggest that they put more things that will catch the reader’s eye and keep them from getting bored on the subject.
• What was the best part of the site?
We think that the best part of the power point is the slide of diameter and radius, we like this slide because they explain the content easily and it is easy to understand.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
We think that they should add a few things to the topic and name slide so that it can catch the reader’s eye and make them want to learn about circumferences.
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
We think that they did follow the rubric and that they met all of the requirements.
• What section did they do the best on?
We think that they did the best on the practice problems and the tests; I think that they did the best on this because the problems are good and interesting.
• What section did they need to improve on?
We think that they need to improve on the title screen and make it more out there.
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
We think that they deserve an A+, We think that they deserve that because their power point makes sense and it is helpful.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about? JOnMM 6Th
• State the initials and grade level of the authors. These people were talking about Graphing.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math? The math was ok I personality didn’t think this was good.
• Was it easy to understand? Yes but the hand writing was bad

Did it grab your attention? Yes it did grab my by the story it told.
• What did you think of the graphics? The graphics were assume for a six grader.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? Yes it made me want to do because it interests me.

What suggestions do you have? Maybe they could have put a little more information
• what suggestions would you give to the authors?
• What was the best part of the site? The best part of this site was the superman we thought that was cool
• what part of the site needed improvement? The organization was bad it look like the drawings we drew in field day for Ms Lindsey

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric? I think they did there best to
• what section did they do the best on? They did there best on being creative
• What section did they need to improve on? The organizing part

what grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)? I would give this site a C because it was good all around.

Anonymous said...

K.S. and D.R.
Period 2

1. 6th Grade Honors - A.M. and H.W.

Content – The content was ok because the PowerPoint didn’t catch our attention but it was still pretty good. The information wasn’t hard to look at and you could see the facts easily and see what they were talking about.

Creativity – The slides were kind of plain and they didn’t stand out to us or make us want to see the PowerPoint.

Suggestions – If we could give some suggestions we would say add some more pictures and creative designs to make the PowerPoint unique. Other than that it was pretty good.

Rubric – They followed the rubric ok. They did most of the things it said. They did the best on the information part of the rubric. They could do better on the problems and citing parts.

Overall Grade - B- (81%)

2. 7th Grade Honors – H.H. and S.A.

Content – It had a lot of great information. The PowerPoint was loaded with tons of information, so you can tell the students worked hard on it. It’s easy to understand if you go through the slides and read through them. They explain everything well.

Creativity – The PowerPoint had a lot of info, but it was very plain. All of the slides were white and there were like 3 pictures in the 22 slide PowerPoint. This is the only part they lacked effort in though, and it’s not even that important.

Suggestions – There’s not much more to do than adding graphics and designs to make it more “eye-popping” to the audience.

Rubric – They followed everything except making the graphics part. Other than that they did great.

Overall Grade – A (95%)

3. 8th Grade – K.W. and J.M.

Content – They have good content. They explained the subject very well and it was easy to follow and understand.

Creativity – The creativity was ok, they could have done some more but they did have god pictures that explained what they were teaching. It kind of made us want to do the math, but could have done more.

Suggestions – The information was great, the pictures were pretty good but they should have put info about the man who came up with the theorem, Pythagoras. Other than that, great job.

Rubric – They followed the rubric, they didn’t miss anything that was supposed to be in the rubric. They did the best on the info part and didn’t miss anything.

Overall Grade – A- (92%)

4. 8th Grade Honors – A.C.

Content – Amazing content. The PowerPoint is 43 slides long and full of info and everything that was needed in the rubric just about. There was almost nothing he left out.

Creativity – Creativity was the only lacking effort in the PowerPoint. There were few pictures and the font was hard to read.

Suggestions – Only suggestion from us is to add more pictures and graphics to make it more entertaining and make us want to go read through it and understand what he’s trying to say.

Rubric – He followed everything there was on the rubric. He did awesome on citing the references, better than anyone we reviewed so far.

Overall Grade – A+ (98%)

Anonymous said...


The authors of this presentation are Jordon b and carlos g. The quality of their math is very good. They made finding the volume of cylinders seem very easy and understandable. There wasn’t much pictures or graphics but I feel that the few that were there were very good. This presentation did make me want to learn math. The two authors followed the rubric perfectly excapt they didn’t give other helpful websites. I would grade this presentation an A because of the quality of math.

Anonymous said...


8th grade: JB and CG had a high B to A. Every thing was awesome. They had good animations, which was the best part, and great explanations and practice problems. The only thing I saw that needs improvement is the assessment, there were only five questions.

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• MC and SD 8th grade

What do you think of the content?
• good
• yes

Did it grab your attention?
• good
• yes

What suggestions do you have?
• none
• the pictures
• the overall neatness

What about the rubric?
• yes
• citing
• the lesson

What grade would you give you site?
• B because it wasn’t the most amazing powerpoint ive ever seen

Anonymous said...

K.W. J.M.
Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors. Sk. Mm.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math? it was good

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics? they were ok
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? yes

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors? More detail on the math
• What was the best part of the site? The graphics
• What part of the site needed improvement? The explanation was kind of fuzzy

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric? yes
• What section did they do the best on? vocab
• What section did they need to improve on? Font

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)? A because it followed the rubric.

Anonymous said...

6th Grade Honors Mathematics Projects
I.M. J.N.
1) 6th grade honors, T.D. B.V.
2) The quality of the math was okay. The math was very easy to under stand.
3) The graphics were clear and easy to understand. It made me want to at least try it out.
4) Use more graphics, the best part of the site was the information, the part of the improvement was that they could’ve used more color.
5) Yes they did follow the rubric, the best part was when they told me why it’s important to learn the subject, and they could’ve worked on is using more color so important thing can stand out.
6) A grade for the project would’ve been a high B. I chose that because they had tons of information, but they could’ve been more descriptive.
7th Grade Honors Mathematics Projects
1) 7th grade honors, N.H. P.M.
2) It wasn’t easy to understand, the quality wasn’t that good.
3) The graphics were all the same. The math wasn’t hard for me to understand so it looked to difficult.
4) Try to make it more understanding. The vocabulary was easy to understand. They could work more on the explanation of the subject.
5) They kind of followed the rubric, they did the best on vocab, and they could’ve worked more on explanation of the project.
6) This project deserves a C because it wasn’t explained that well.

8th Grade Mathematics
1) 8th grade, A.L. S.L.
2) The quality of the math is good, it was easy to understand.
3) The graphics were really good, the pictures wanted to make me try out the problems.
4) Use more color, the information was good; there should’ve been more color.
5) They followed the rubric, they did the best on explaining, and they could’ve used more color.
6) I would give them an A because they followed the rubric.
8th Grade Honors Mathematics
1) 8th grade honors, A.C.
2) It was easy to understand. The math kind of made me want to do it.
3) Use different colors on the slides.
4) There was good information.
5) The part that should be improved is the slide where it has an example of shading.

Anonymous said...

6th grade mathematics honor
Creators of power point Td, Bv
1) it was easy to understand
2) the math was easily explained
3) the graphics where very bold
4) the power point did not make me do or make ma attempt to do the math
5) do not cover the title with so many titles of the same thing
6) the best part is when the tell you why it is important to learn it
7) the part they needed to work on is use more color so important thing stand out
8) the grade should be a (b) because they did a great job but did a not so good job on some slides but most slides where grate

7th grade mathematics honor
Creators of power point NH, PM
1) it was not easy to under stand and the math was not easy to under stand
2) they used the same graphics over but they where still good
3) the power point did not make want to do math
4) make it easier to understand
5) the best part is the vocab it helped me understand more
6) The part they need to work on is on the explanation of the subject
7) The grade should be a (c) because it was hard to understand and wasn’t vary well explained

8th grade mathematics
Creators of power point JN, AH
1) It was easy to understand and the math was clear to under stand
2) They used the same graphics over threw out the power point
3) The power point did not make me want to do math
4) Make the graphs smaller in the power point
5) The best part is when they explain step 5
6) The part they need to work on is to make the graphs smaller
7) The grade is a (B) because they did a great job but made the graphs a little to big

8th grade mathematics honor

Creators of power point AC
1) it was easy to understand and I did not want to do the math
2) use different colors on the slides
3) it was good information
4) the part that needs to be improved is the slide where it has an example of shading

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• Al SR

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
There wasn’t really much math, everything was in words.
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, because their were many explanations.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
There were only pictures of the cylinders like plain ones with no colors and the powerpoint all together didn’t have bery many color which made it kind of boring but it was super understandable.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Add more color.
• What was the best part of the site?
The math and explanation on the step by step page.
• What part of the site needed improvement?

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
The step by step page.
• What section did they need to improve on?
The math and explanations were great, it was just the graphics.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, because it was understandable and the explanations were great.

8th grade.

Who are you talking about?

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
It was great.
• Was it easy to understand?
It was easy to understand.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The colors were very different and catchy.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Add more graphics.
• What was the best part of the site?
The Example problems.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Just the graphics.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
Explanations and example problems.
• What section did they need to improve on?
Just the graphics.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, the graphics were the only thing I could think of that needed improvement


Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.

Jo, Mm 8TH grade Title Surface area if a cylinder and prism

What do you think of the content? It is very descriptive
• How was the quality of the math? The should be more math but is guess it was okay.
• Was it easy to understand? Not really because when they where giving the step by step slide that was when I got confused.

Did it grab your attention? Yes is sort of grabs my attention
• What did you think of the graphics? It would be nice if you added more graphics.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? Not really

What suggestions do you have? Have more graphics and more equations for them to understand and make the steps more steps.
• What suggestions would you give to the authors? When you are making a power point for people your age make it interesting for them and maybe for you as well.
• What was the best part of the site? Was the 3 reasons because it was funny and interesting
• What part of the site needed improvement? That part that needed more help was the step by step slide.

What about the rubric? They did some of the things and not some of the things.
• Did they follow the rubric? Kind of
• What section did they do the best on? Vocabulary it had a lot of describing words.
• What section did they need to improve on? STEP BY STEP it was a little confusing

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)? D because if I was learning this for the first time and needed more help then I looked at there power point it would make me more confused.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
AS and SA 8th grade

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
The quality of the math was good test and practice problems were good
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes the explanation/ how-to was very easy to understand

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
The colors sort of grabbed by attention though no fancy graphics
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
I would have tried a couple of the problems

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Put attention grabbing pictures
• What was the best part of the site?
Their test and practice problems
• What part of the site needed improvement?
The how to needed a little work

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
They followed the rubric pretty closely
• What section did they do the best on?
Their test and practice problems
• What section did they need to improve on?
explaining how to do the math

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A because it followed the rubric the closest I’ve seen so far

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
AW and BKB 8th grade

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
The quality of the math was good. Examples and how to was good
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes easy to understand how to

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
Great colors but boring graphics
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
I would have tried it

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
Attention grabbing graphics
• What was the best part of the site?
The practice problems
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Just better graphics

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
Yes almost exactly
• What section did they do the best on?
• What section did they need to improve on?
not much

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A+ followed the rubric exactly

LW said...

Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
AW and BKB
What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
Very good
• Was it easy to understand?
Yes, it was very simple
Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Yes actually
What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
… more graphics
• What was the best part of the site?
The assessment
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Better quality graphs
What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
• What section did they do the best on?
The assessment
• What section did they need to improve on?
More importance.
What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
A, it was very good and not boring

Anonymous said...

8th grade: This power point was made by 8th graders named Aris.S and Sara. A. The content was good they had everything they needed to make a great project. This didn’t really grab my attention the background kept switching and I thought it was distracting but it was pretty interesting and I wanted to do the math. The best part was the lesson because it was interesting. They did follow the rubric really well and I give this project an A.

Anonymous said...

1. 8TH A.L. and S.R.
2. The math was ok. The voice didn’t sound very good, and was hard to understand.
3. They didn’t use any illustrations, and the slide design was very boring. It didn’t make me want to try the math.
4. I would tell them to think of more original things to say. It needed improvement on grammar, but did well in the math.
5. They followed the rubric well. The best part was staying on topic, but they needed to work on sentence fluency and presentation.
6. C+. It was ok, but could have been A LOT better. Some sentences were unfinished, and the same words were used over and over again.

Anonymous said...

8th Grade – Normal
SD and MC
Alexis L.

1.) I think the content was OK. It wasn’t great nor was it horrible. I did find the setup of it very helpful and easy to use since it all was in order.
2.) Due to the order of the PowerPoint it was very attention grabbing and keeps you engaged all through out the PowerPoint.
3.) My suggestions are to make the background more interesting and some of the writing a little more clearer.
4.) Yes they did follow the rubric. It was written well and hit all of the bullet points.
5.) I would give them a flat out B. It was good and helpful, but it could have been better in some places.

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• EB in 8th grade

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math was very confusing and I don’t think that anyone could get it.
• It was very hard to understand and they only put about 11 steps with only one confusing sentence.

Did it grab your attention?
• There was no graphics so it didn’t grab my attention and it seemed very boring.
• This did not make me do math, because it was too boring.

What suggestions do you have?
• I would suggest that they make more graphics or at least make a background.
• The best part of the site would have to be the vocabulary because they explained each word very good.
• The part of the power point that needed improvement would be the steps, because they only had ten full sentences on them that were very confusing.

What about the rubric?
• No they didn’t follow the rubric because there was a lot of stuff missing.
• They did the best on lesson with the vocabulary.
• They needed improvement on the test because they didn’t have any test!

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give them a C because they missed half of the rubric and they never followed the rubric.

Anonymous said...



Who are you talking about?
• AS and SA, 8th grade

What do you think of the content?
• The quality of the math was a medium type quality.
• The math could be understood, but it was difficult at times because of the lack of detail.

Did it grab your attention?
• There were little graphics or pictures.
• The math looked boring and I didn’t want to try it.

What suggestions do you have?
• I would suggest that there be more pictures and that the project be decorated more.
• The best part of the project was the many examples.
• I think the colors could be varied more and made more interesting.

What about the rubric?
• The rubric was followed.
• The kids did the best on the lesson part of the project.
• The additional requirement could be filled out more in the project.

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give the project a B or C due to the lack of excitement and it looked like the project didn’t take much time.

Anonymous said...

S.D. and M.C.
8th grade

1) I think the quality of math could’ve been better. I didn’t understand most of the things in their PowerPoint.
2) The graphics didn’t really grab my attention. They had pictures, but they didn’t jump out at you. They had plain backgrounds. The graphics weren’t exciting, and didn’t make me want to learn more about the topic.
3) I suggest that the authors put more detail into their explanation because I didn’t understand any of their explanations. They did a good job at their vocabulary.
4) They did follow the rubric, but not very well. They didn’t have great explanations. They section they did the best on was vocabulary.
5) I would give this project a C because it was OK, but it could have been a lot better. They didn’t have good explanations, and I didn’t understand about graphing linear equations.

Anonymous said...

8th grade
who are you talking about?
• J.B. C.G.

what do you think of the content?
• The content was very nice.
• They taught it step by step so it was a lot easier.

Did it grab your attention?
• The graphics were very nice and had to do with cylinders.
• It did not make me want to try out the math because it did not grab too much of my attention.

What suggestions do you have?
• put brighter colors and do different fonts so that it grabs the viewer.
• the best part of the site was the home page because it was filled with pictures and grabbed my attention and made me want to look at the site.
• All of the slides were good they just bored me after a while.

What about the rubric?
• Yes they did.
• They did the best on teaching it step by step.
• They could make the teaching a little easier and wait to make the questions hard until the assessment.

What grade would you give you site?
• I would give the PowerPoint an A because it was easy to understand and had everything it needed.

Anonymous said...

8th Grade
Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors.
Aris S. & Sara A. Period 2

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math?
They need more examples.
• Was it easy to understand?
Sort of , they didn’t list much.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics?
Graphics stayed on topic.

• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)?
Not really.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors?
More examples or how to’s.
• What was the best part of the site?
The Area slide.
• What part of the site needed improvement?
Examples & How to’s.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric?
I believe so.
• What section did they do the best on?
• What section did they need to improve on?
Here are some more examples slide.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B, they really just need more how to’s and examples…

Anonymous said...


Who are you talking about?
• State the initials and grade level of the authors. SD and MC grade 8.

What do you think of the content?
• How was the quality of the math? The math was good.
• Was it easy to understand? It was a little hard to follow.

Did it grab your attention?
• What did you think of the graphics? The graphics are so so.
• Did it make you want to do math (or at least try it out)? Not really.

What suggestions do you have?
• What suggestions would you give to the authors? Add more graphics.
• What was the best part of the site? The home page.
• What part of the site needed improvement? All of it.

What about the rubric?
• Did they follow the rubric? I think that they should double check that they got everything.
• What section did they do the best on? The bibliography.
• What section did they need to improve on? All of it.

What grade would you give you site?
• A – B – C – D – F (and why)?
B because it needs some work.